05 April 2012

Group meal at Slackwater...good pizza

As our hotel only served breakfast, I say only, it was still a fine breakfast, and we get fed at the conference every lunch time. So, we only need to search for food every evening. Tonight we visited Slackwater, recommended by a singer who was performing on campus at the university. 

The pizzas were super yummy although no-one was allowed the 'Cardiac arrest' pizza according to our Elder...the amazing organiser who made the trip possible :D. Fair enough as she'd already had one trip to emergency during the NCUR trip! No biggy though, we're all well now, must have been the altitude.

Funny thing -

Table Guest: Can we order 2 of your special beers please?
Waiter : Sorry sir its illegal for me to serve you 2 alcoholic drinks at once
Table Guests: Ha ha ha good one waiter, I didn't think it was that bad in Utah
Waiter: No seriously, it really is. I'll get one for you and one for your friend though...
Table Guests: Wow, now that IS something. Cheers Mister Waiter Man ;) x

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